Guest Responsibilities
Thank you for visiting Hill City AquaZoo. Safety of our guests, staff, and animals is our priority. If any guest fails to abide by this code of conduct, they will be asked to leave the Hill City AquaZoo premises without a refund. All guests shall abide by the Guest Responsibilities as posted within the aquarium. Failure to follow the Guest Responsibilities may result in the termination of Participant’s use of the aquarium and removal. Adult guests are responsible for all actions taken by minors under the adult’s supervision, guardianship, or control.
Upon admission to Hill City AquaZoo, you agree to abide by and to cause minors under your supervision to above by all posted signs and to comply all instructions from Hill City AquaZoo personnel. Engaging in negligent or reckless behavior or failing to comply with all Guest Responsibilities and instructions of Hill City AquaZoo personnel may increase risk of suffering injury or death. If you have any questions about rules or whether certain behavior is permissible, you must ask a Hill City AquaZoo staff member before engaging in the questionable behavior. Failure to comply with this paragraph may result in immediate removal from the Hill City AquaZoo premises.
All guests shall refrain from the following activities while visiting Hill City AquaZoo and interacting with animals:
- Running (floors may be wet)
- Hitting, kicking, poking or other disrespectful behavior towards Hill City AquaZoo guests, staff, or animals
- Foul or disrespectful language
Aquarium Notice
In the best interest for the health and safety of the animals, guests, participants and staff, Hill City AquaZoo reserves the right to make all final animal decisions, including which animals are shown and how they are presented and handled. Anytime live animals are part of a presentation, an element of risk is involved. Hill City AquaZoo’s animals should be considered wild and unpredictable. Although rare, any animal, including those shown by Hill City AquaZoo, may occasionally display behaviors that are considered undesirable, including but not limited to, urinating, defecating, scratching, biting or/and pinching. Animals, their dander, feathers, saliva, animal feed or bedding may cause allergic reaction in some people. You must comply with all Guest Responsibilities and instructions of Hill City AquaZoo personnel when interacting with animals.
All guests (including parents of minors and adults responsible for minors under their supervision, guardianship, or control) understand, acknowledge and agree that wild animals can be inherently dangerous. Tame animals can also be unpredictable. Guests assume full responsibility for any risk of injury, property damage, or death while visiting and participating in activities in Hill City AquaZoo. Adults shall always be responsible for monitoring the conduct and interactions with guests, staff, and animals of their children or minors under their supervision, guardianship, or control.